It is important in Freemasonry to reinforce our fraternal ties between lodges. Lodge of Loyalty celebrated their 200th anniversary on May 6th of this year. Lodge St. George and Lodge of Loyalty have had a close connection over the years. Recently, Lodge of Loyalty gifted Lodge St. George with a stone plaque for the 200th anniversary of the the deed for the Old State House. In commemoration of their Bi-Centennary anniversary, Lodge St. George presented Lodge of Loyalty with a new Tyler’s Sword. The sword came with an inscription that reads as follows:
Presented to the Lodge of Loyalty #358 UGLE on the occasion of their bicentennial, 6th May 2017, by the RWM and Brethren of Lodge St George #200 GLoS
The brethren of Lodge St. George in Bermuda and around the world wish Lodge of Loyalty good fortune in the future. We hope that our fraternal ties between our lodges remain strong and that we continue to support each others’ endeavours.